30 Ailments to Overcome Using Essential Oils


30 of the most common ailments and ways to address them using essential oils.

Aches ~ peppermint, wintergreen, cypress, soothing blend. Apply to area of concern.


Acid reflux ~ fennel, ginger, lemon, peppermint, digestive blend.  Apply to chest, take in capsule.

Acne ~ tea tree, lavender, geranium, arborvitae.  Apply to area of concern.


Allergies ~ lavender, arborvitae, lemon, peppermint, blue tansy, cleansing blend.  Diffuse and inhale.


Anxiousness ~ lavender, restful blend, grounding blend, frankincense.  Diffuse, inhale, massage on back of neck.


Athletes foot ~ tea tree, oregano, arborvitae, cinnamon.  Make a spray and apply 2x a day.

Brittle nails ~ lemon, grapefruit, frankincense, myrrh, eucalyptus.  Massage into nails.


Burn ~ lavender, peppermint, helichrysum, myrrh.  Apply to area of concern.


Congestion ~ lemon, peppermint, eucalyptus, respiratory blend, digestive blend.  Diffuse, apply to feet, bridge of nose and chest.


Constipation ~ digestive blend, peppermint, ginger, marjoram.  Apply to abdomen, put a drop under the tongue.


Dandruff ~ tea tree, wintergreen, patchouli, rosemary.  Mix in with your shampoo + scrub.

Diaper Rash ~ lavender, patchouli, roman chamomile, myrrh.  Add to cream or dilute and apply.


Diarrhea ~ digestive blend, fennel, ginger.  Take internally or rub on abdomen.


Earache ~ tea tree, basil, thyme, protective blend.  Apply around outside of ear and on reflex points.

Growing Pains ~ marjoram, soothing blend, cypress, lavender.  Massage onto area of concern.


Hair Growth ~ rosemary, thyme, clary sage, ylang ylang.  Spray or massage in daily.

Head Tension ~ peppermint, tension blend, frankincense, copaiba.  Apply to temples + relex points.

Hot Flashes ~ clary sage, peppermint, womens blend, eucalyptus.  Apply to pulse points as needed.

Inflammation ~ frankincense, peppermint, soothing blend, turmeric, copaiba.  Apply to area of concern, take in a capsule.


Insect Bite ~ lavender, basil, blue tansy.  Apply to area of concern.


Insect Repellent ~ citronella, cedarwood, repellent blend, arborvitae. Diffuse, apply to pulse points.

Menstrual Cramps ~ geranium, clary sage, womens blend, soothing blend.  Apply to abdomen as needed.

Motion Sickness ~ digestive blend, peppermint, ginger, cassia.  Diffuse, apply to pulse points.

Pain ~ copaiba, frankincense, siberian fir, wintergreen, soothing blend. Apply to area of concern.

Sinus Congestion ~ cardamom, respiration blend, rosemary, eucalyptus. Diffuse, apply to chest, back and bottoms of feet.

Sore Throat ~ protective blend, lime, tea tree, thyme.  Apply to neck area, gargle with water.

Sunburn ~ lavender, peppermint, frankincense.  Apply to area of concern.


Toothache ~ clove, protective blend, tea tree, helichrysum.  Apply to area of concern + reflex points.


Urinary Track Support ~ lemon, geranium, lemongrass, juniper berry.  Take internally, apply to abdomen as needed.

Warts ~ lemongrass, frankincense, arborvitae, oregano, melissa.  Apply to area as needed.

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